Sunday, February 22, 2009

Literature Review
Computers in the Classroom Mindtools for Critical Thinking by David H. Jonassen 1996, Prentice-Hall

I found this book and really found it interesting becuase it not only connected our class concepts of constructivism and constructionism but also my area of interest of 21st century skills. The book talks about Mindtools which is as way of using computers to catch learners in the classroom and to help develop constructive higher order thinking tools. Mindtools provides the student/teacher with tools that then form a base that the critical thinking skills can be practiced and developed. It also goes into pedagogical criteria for evaluationg Mindtools. These criteria fall right in line with my final project. It also has a whole section on critical thinking skills that were really good for me. Not sure about the rest of you guys, but I thought that I would metion it and try to "entice" you guys into it???? Just a thought..... darcy

Technology in Education Sept. 2004

I kind of liked this article too. Like the first article that I posted from the states (High School Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century) starts with some mind boggling percentages and stats. It begins with some really good access #'S ( 2/3'S of public schools in the states have internet access and that all schools should eventually have access. What a great way to level the playing field for all students. Maximize what technology can do for both students and teachers. Not all is so good though. The article continues that even with these advancements, there still seems to be a "digital divide" at home. I took this to mean that people don't have computers at home. This really surprised me. I thought that I was the only dinosaur that still didn't have a computer. Maybe things have changed since 2004 though??
What kind of got me with this article was that it said that teachers are still just using it to maintain their teaching, not really using technology to improve teaching. This kind of made me think about the quote that Marnie put on at the start of this block. Maybe things haven't really improved as much as we would like to think? Is this hopefulness or blindness?? darcy

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